Multi-bank capability made easy

TRAVIC-Payment-Client-API is an easy and inexpensive way to make financial portals multi-bank capable. There are also many additional application scenarios.

Now available: payments as a service!

All TRAVIC suite products can be operated on-premises or in the cloud. Get in touch with us to learn more!

How third-party service providers quickly become multi-bank capable

TRAVIC-Payment-Client-API is suitable for fin-techs and financial institutions acting in the role of a third-party service provider (TPP) wanting to offer their customers additional services enriched by account information (AIS) or payment initiation services (PIS). With TRAVIC-Payment-Client-API, you can focus on connecting a single API which provides access to both PSD2 regulated and not regulated accounts at almost all financial institutions in Germany and Austria by using their XS2A and FinTS interfaces. Furthermore you don't have to worry about changes in the access channels of the financial institutions. PPI takes care of this and you save valuable time.

A wide range of application scenarios

An example of such a service would be a financial portal for bank customers with a 360-degree view. Users can not only view their accounts at the financial institution operating the portal, but also their accounts at other financial institutions where they are also customers. Insurance companies can also use the library to offer their customers added value. With TRAVIC-Payment-Client-API, financial or insurance products could be recommended based on the transactions of all accounts of a customer. 

Do you have neither the desire nor the time to deal with the specifics of various communication protocols, but would still like to offer your corporate customers better, multi-bank capable services? We can show you how it's done – just get in touch with us!

Crucial advantages of TRAVIC-Payment-Client-API:

  1. TRAVIC-Payment-Client-API has nearly 100% reachability of German and Austrian banks, constantly expanding to other European countries.
  2. An application only uses one technical interface that is protocol-independent. Protocol-specific characteristics are hidden behind a facade.
  3. The functionalities required for multi-bank access to third-party banks are encapsulated in an external product. PPI offers maintenance and support for this.
  4. The portal provider can operate or use the API in different ways – from the library via on-premises service to software as a service from PPI.
  5. As a service, the API can be provided centrally and is thus reusable and scalable.
  6. The API is multi-client capable and manages bank accesses and cryptographic keys per client.

Can we assist you?

 Christian Wenz PPI AG

Christian Wenz

Senior Product Manager

Dr. Hubertus von Poser PPI AG

Dr. Hubertus von Poser

Head of Sales and Consulting Payments


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