Instant payments as a mandatory function – ready for implementation?

Instant payments will become the "new normal" by law: payment service providers must offer corresponding functionalities to all customers in the future, but may not charge higher fees for them than for SEPA credit transfers. The demands on the banks' IT systems are high: 24/7 availability, IBAN/name matching in real time, processing three times the amount of previous transaction volumes. Is your financial institution prepared for this? The answer is provided by PPI's instant payments readiness check. It performs a strategic and technical assessment of the current state and identifies fields of action, but also opportunities. Check with our experts what still needs to be done!

Check instant payments readiness in a structured way

The future obligation to offer instant credit transfers will have a significant impact on IT system requirements at financial service providers. The number of transactions is likely to increase massively, while at the same time there are other requirements to be met in addition to the actual booking processes:

  • Financial institutions must give their customers the possibility to match the name and IBAN of the payment recipient in real time.
  • At least once a day, customer data must be checked against the current EU sanctions lists.
  • At the same time, a credit transfer via SEPA instant payments must not be more expensive than a standard credit transfer.

Scalability, performance and stability in the entire payments chain must be guaranteed at all times; otherwise the stipulations of the instant payments regulation cannot be met. Even banks that already offer instant payments should make sure that their IT landscape can still reliably cope with a significant increase in load.

Better safe than sorry

We offer financial institutions an instant payments readiness check by our payments experts. It includes:

  • Analysis of the current system state using the PPI instant payments navigator 
  • Representation of all affected systems, interfaces and areas
  • Overview of possible problem areas and fields of action as well as their evaluation
  • Presentation of different solution options for problems encountered, including cost estimation
  • Targeted decision templates for the solution options

Our instant payments readiness check takes into account the entire process chain of payments and thus guarantees a holistic assessment of your institution. The structured approach ties up as few of your human resources as possible. There are no set-up times, which means additional time savings. Our payments experts have decades of experience and offer you the necessary security on the way to mandatory instant payments through a neutral assessment.

Interested? Contact our instant payments experts for a non-binding consultation. They will explain in detail how to participate in the instant payments readiness check.

Can we assist you?

 Eric Waller PPI AG

Eric Waller

Senior Manager


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